Why darken?

Questions about embezzlement?
You probably ended up here because you want to darken your car or motorhome or protect it from the sun. And maybe you have questions about this?
In this article, I explain the benefits of blacking out your car, bus or motorhome.
I explain the benefits of solar shading in this article.
Sleeping in the car, bus or motorhome
If, like me, you regularly use your vehicle as a sleep used, you've probably noticed that it's nice when not everyone can see into your car.
It may be in certain places safer be if it is not visible that you are sleeping in your car. This could be because you don't want to give nefarious people any ideas, or maybe you want to outsmart law enforcers.
Or maybe you just want to be left alone. Especially if you are in a public place, such as in a parking lot at a petrol station. Then it's nice when there isn't someone tapping on the window to wake you up.
It is also kind of nice if you have some privacy. For example, if you want to dive into your sleeping bag with slightly less clothes on.
Besides, especially in spring and summer, it gets light early in the morning. I am quite an early bird, but 5 o'clock is still too much for me!
If you have tinted car windows, this may not seem all that bad (in the dark). But experience shows that this unfortunately does not work.
As soon as you, in the dark, turn on a light in the car, you look like merchandise in the window of a shop.
And when the sun rises, even with tinted glass, you notice it immediately. It wakes me up. And so I don't want that.
So if you want to spend the night in the car, there are plenty of reasons to black out the windows. And then preferably as well as possible. Without letting in views or (sun) light on all sides anyway.
What does work?
Only with screens tailored to the windows will you ensure that the cabin, or even the whole car, is properly darkened.
On carblinds.be's website, you will find sets consisting of screens specially made for the windows of your make and model of car. Perfectly tailored, computer-cut and expertly assembled. You can easily attach them with suction cups or magnets. And removed just as easily in the morning.